Saturday, May 24, 2008

We Buy & Sell Eve-Online Isk, looking for Suppliers & Buyers
We sell items, accounts, and credits for all

types of games. please visit our website.
(wow, L2, SWG, ffxi, coh, & more)

We buy and sell eveonline isk. We are

currently looking for people to supply us in

bulk, and also looking for players that need

fast isk. We deliver within minutes usually!

Buy as little as 1 million isk for just $1 and

come back later for buying larger amounts.

Test us out, you will be happy to get this

fast isk. Notice, buying & selling of game

credits may result in eve online banning your

account but this is only if you cant keep your

mouth shut to your friends and people in the


eve online is a trademark & copyright of CCP

games. isk, and other titles, logos, and items

ALWAYS remains the property of eve-online &

ccp. buy/sell at your own risk! dont mention

the transaction in the game.

This is for PAID ACCOUNTS ONLY, because we use

the contract feature to send you the isk, and

this is not available on trial accounts!

Why work 6 months for 100mil if you can get it

in 6 minutes?
Low prices for bulk orders!

Got Isk?
We are looking for suppliers to sell to us

daily. Miners & Traders, we want you!

We sell items, accounts, and credits for all

types of games. please visit our website at

eveonline, eve-online, eve online, isk,

credits, gold, eve, guildwebsitescom, cheats,

bots, macros, gtc, game time codes, free,

space, outerspace, galaxies, galaxy, ds9,

startrek, star trek, star wars, starwars,

lightsaber, light saber, jedi, mmog, mmorpg,


Author: smartstuff2buy

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